1. Hefaistos s.r.o.
Focusing mainly on the production and assembly of steel structures according to the assignments and requirements of our clients.Focusing mainly on the production and assembly of steel structures according to the assignments and requirements of our clients. [
Quick contact
Phone: +420 777 672 795
E-mail: spacek.david@1hefaistos.cz
Adress: Biskupcova 1868/93, Praha

According to the client, the production of pipes is made of low-carbon and high-alloy steels.

Our employees have many years of experience with demolition and all the necessary certifications.
1. Hefaistos s.r.o.
Our company was established in 2008 by the transition from an originally natural person to a legal entity, so that it can further develop in order to provide its services to larger customers throughout the Czech Republic and possibly abroad. During our existence, we have gained extensive experience in providing assembly, welding and technical work while maintaining high quality standards. We use our experience in the implementation of orders, especially for the food and chemical industries.
We have modern production facilities and technical equipment to ensure the high quality of our work. All our employees have many years of experience in the field and the necessary certifications for the work provided.
Recently completed contracts
IUT Czech republic en
Installation of biological waste treatment equipment.
Planá heating plant
Revitalization of the heating system of the heating plant.
Biskupcova 1868/93
Praha 3, 130 00
Company ID: 281 988 24
VAT No .: CZ281 988 24
The company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C 132273
Production premises of the company
Hlavní 420
Mirošovice u Prahy
Exit 21 of the D1 motorway, direction Benešov
+420 272 704 482
+420 602 632 001