Demolition work
he offer of our services also includes demolition work. We focus on the demolition of buildings (houses, garages and small buildings).
Demolition of these properties is carried out using a gentle technology of gradual demolition with the help of mechanisms and also manually in accordance with the provisions of environmental legislation.
We dispose of all waste in landfills designated for this purpose and recycling points. We use our mechanization and transport for loading and transport.

Biskupcova 1868/93
Praha 3, 130 00
Company ID: 281 988 24
VAT No .: CZ281 988 24
The company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C 132273
Production premises of the company
Hlavní 420
Mirošovice u Prahy
Exit 21 of the D1 motorway, direction Benešov
+420 272 704 482
+420 602 632 001